Date: October 21, 2023
So I have come to realize that most of the posts I will be making in this edits section are not gonna be like 'Follow your dreams, my coding skills are spectacular!!' and most are gonna be like 'So I accidentally deleted all my stuff, and I'm literally screaming to myself.' So yeah... at least I'm self-aware. I've already created this homepage on a separate occasion, but while I was coding my Guestbook page of this website, I have the homepage open to check the redirects and keep them in order. Unfortunately for me, this led to me accidentally deleting most of my homepage code and inputting guestbook code inside because I'm not the brightest. I looked through my Neocities history, but that didn't work. I also tried CTRL F5, and that didn't work either. So I had to recode everything. I think it looks alright, but it also means I wasted a day where I could have been productive.
Date: October 22, 2023
So I finally created my music section finished that at 3:57am ROTFL. This website is very amateur in comparrison to others that i've seen it doesnt really have a solid theme im kind of switching between a red & black theme and rainbow theme but thats my personality for ya! I only have two pages left to do my Blogs page which i'll be updating routinely hopefully and my chat page which will be the hardest to create for sure hence why i'm avoiding it like the plague. My audio player might be a little wonky and play the wrong songs sometimes or idk maybe I glitched it out trying to skip to the song waves lolz. I wanted to get all these updates out of the way before the weekend ends because when I have school going on I really can't get this crap done. That's all for now.
Date: October 28, 2023
It's been a while since I made a solid update to this website, and I apologize for that. I added a quiz page, but I'm not entirely done with it. I was thinking of giving each result an image, and I'll draw those images so they are a kind of "can't find anywhere else" thing and are exclusive to the answer you get. The quiz is short, but I feel that is appropriate. All of the answers can be found on my page besides the last one, Question 6. I wish people online good luck with that one because that's chance-based. I edited each of my respective pages to have redirects to my quiz besides two: my guestbook, which has zero redirects on it because I feel like disturbing that code is...frightening, and my music page, which was oddly uncooperative to the code I put into it. I'll work on that and see if I can work around whatever seems to be making it stubborn. I may remake that entire page itself since it is the ugliest of my pages, and although it has a lot of code I'm proud of, I feel I can do better. But that is all for now. I probably won't update until next week because I have homework and guitar practice tomorrow and a busy school week, but on Saturday, I should try to work on these goals, or maybe I'll forget. Who knows.
Date: November 3, 2023
I updated my updates container, tried to give it a scrollbox like it used to have, but it's a challenge. I added more questions into my quiz, three to be exact. I had intended on adding four to end on an even number, ten, but had dreadfully miscounted the numbers. It's alright though; it's much easier to fix a small mistake such as adding something in than taking something away. Rewriting code can be so tedious. I was reading a rather gory audiobook while doing all of this, and I'm thinking maybe I should add a books section to this website or maybe a Google Drive section because I do keep a small online collection of pirated films, ebooks, audiobooks, & perhaps sharing those would be a great kindness. I mean I watched the first three seasons of WWDITS on Google Drive thanks to Tumblr; thank god to those users. So, idk, maybe somebody would appreciate it.